Hello world!

I do love those few times I get to use the phrase ‘Hello, world’ where world is more than my bloodshot eyes. First of all, welcome to my new blog.

My name is Oskar and I am a tech enthusiast through and through. I study embedded system design and in my spare time I dabble in all kinds of tech. Above all I enjoy learning new things. New tech, new frameworks, new tools, all the things.

One of the things I have taken from an interest to a hobby is self hosting. It started with a few raspberry pi’s, then an old laptop, then it all just grew from there. I look at it as a great learning opportunity and I enjoy the tinkering. As my homelab has grown, so has the tech stack that I use at home and it can get a bit difficult to actually keep track of it all. So to try to document things and also try to work on my writing skills I have decided that I want to keep a blog where I write about the things I do, try and learn.

I am by no means an expert, but I do feel that some of my struggles can be written in this blog and perhaps provide some value to individuals that want to start their own homelab, or just tinker with some of the tools I have started to learn.

So stay tuned, soon™ I will start posting about my setup, the way I solve networking at home, what I host and why on earth I have chosen to do it with Kubernetes(k3s to be more specific).

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